sâmbătă, 15 aprilie 2017

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Top 10 Things we Love About Travel Posted By Dave and Deb • 38 Comments » • Long Term Travel Tips Share on FB Tweet Share on G+ Pin it Flipboard Yesterday we wrote about The Top 10 things we Hate about Travel. You didn’t think that we would just leave you with that negative post did you? We love to travel and believe me, we love more things about travel than we hate. Otherwise we wouldn’t be doing it. The problem with writing this post was narrowing it down to only 10 things. We love so much about travel that we could have written 100 things that we love about it. (Hey, now that would make a great post) But we don’t want to bore you to death. –Here are the Top 10 Things that We Love About Travel –1. Adventure – Dave and I love adventure in our lives. Even when we are at home we love to go climbing, snowboarding, cycling…anything. We can’t sit still and when we travel, we love finding new adventures to try. There are many different adventures in different countries that we can’t necessarily do in Canada. From bungee jumping in Victoria Falls to camping in the White Desert of Egypt or going on a camel Safari in India to going on a big game safari in Africa. We can’t do these in Canada and travel gives us the chance to try different adventures that we wouldn’t otherwise get to do. What do we love most about travel? Finding our next great adventure. 2. Eating out – We love food. Who doesn’t? What we love about travel is discovering new kinds of food. We love the act of going out to eat and trying something new. We love eating with chopsticks, with our hands, we love eating out of hot pots, off of banana leaves or eating street food. We love the atmosphere of eating in restaurants around the world and we love the social atmosphere of going out to eat. 3. Meeting New People – We are a very social couple and we love to chat with people. We have made some great friends traveling and some of our fondest memories of travel have been moments with the people that we met. Most people that we meet traveling are very interesting and fun. We just love meeting and making new friends in our travels and always look forward to seeing them again. 4. Being Together – Dave and I are one of those strange couples that just love being together all the time. My parents are the same. They ran a business together, they shared their hobbies and they have had a fantastic retirement sharing in activities together. Well, Dave and I are the same. We love how travel allows us to be together. We just love climbing together, suffering together, relaxing on the beach together or just sitting beside each other while we read a book. I know it sounds corny, but that is us. We love being together. 5. Writing/Photographing our Travels – We have always loved to travel but now that we blog about it, it has added a purpose to our travels. When we are hiking or biking, surfing or sailing we are always thinking about how to write about it, what photos to include and how to describe it. We love to share our travel tips with whoever is willing to listen. We love to write and photograph our travels, just as much as we love to travel. 6. Pushing ourselves to the Limit – When we are at home we tend to become a little bit lazy. But when we travel we just love to see how far we can push ourselves. When we accomplish something extraordinary it is the most fulfilling thing on the planet. From cycling 12,000 km to Africa, trekking up to Everest Base Camp or summiting Mount Kilimanjaro we just love the feeling of suffering for a great payoff. When we travel, we seem to push ourselves farther than we ever do while we are at home. 7. Witnessing Awe Inspiring Sites – Sometimes the beauty of travel moves me to tears. Some of the things that we have witnessed have been overwhelming. When standing at the top of a mountain, overlooking a world heritage site or witnessing an incredible sunset we cannot believe that we are there. Travel has allowed us to witness some of the greatest sites on earth. It has allowed us to be touched to the core and feel completely connected to the planet. What more is there to love. 8. Flying – Most people don’t like flying very much. But Dave and I love to fly. We love getting to the airport early to check in and have a drink before the flight and we love browsing the duty free and other shops. We not only love the preflight activities, we love to fly. We don’t sleep much on the plane, we play the video games and watch movies. We just love the entertainment centres that flights have now. We look forward to the meals to guess what mystery food we will get and we love the ice cream that we have been offered on our past few flights. We especially love when we are upgraded to business class or offered a flight from Air France on their Premium Voyageur class. Yes, we are that rare few that love to fly. 9. Hotel Rooms – Ok some guest houses can be a little rough, but we just love hotel rooms. We love the fresh duvets, the movie channels and the room service. When we get to a hotel, we check out all the drawers, the mini fridge, the bathroom. We just love to see what goodies they provide and what services they offer. We then head out to explore the building and take advantage of whatever they have to offer. Is there a spa, a swimming pool, a sauna or lounge? We love hotels and when we find a nice one, we hate to leave. 10. Exploring History – We are always amazed when we are standing on a site that we have learned about in school or read about in books. When we are exploring thousand year old ruins or walking through buildings that a great historical event took place in, we cannot believe that we are there. We have learned more about the history of the world through our travels than we ever did in school. There is something special and meaningful about a place and its history when you are actually there. It makes us want to learn more about its story. We love finding the story of a place. So there you have it, we have managed to narrow what we love about travel down to a mere 10 points. What do you love most about traveling? What we love is how travel is different for everyone.

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